kid running towards windmill through green paddy field
Cage System
Cage System

The Cage System is a modern fish farming method where fish are raised in enclosed netted structures placed in natural water bodies. This system allows for a constant flow of fresh water, ensuring a healthy and oxygen-rich environment for fish growth. It is highly efficient for large-scale production, reducing land use while maximizing output. Kenz utilizes advanced cage designs with sustainable feeding, water quality monitoring, and disease prevention measures. This method supports eco-friendly aquaculture, minimizing environmental impact while ensuring high-quality fish production.

Irrigation Ditch/Pond Systems

The Irrigation Ditch/Pond System integrates fish farming with agricultural irrigation, utilizing existing water channels or man-made ponds. This method enhances water efficiency by allowing nutrient-rich water from fish ponds to benefit crops. It provides a cost-effective solution for small and large-scale fish farming with minimal infrastructure. Kenz employs advanced pond management techniques to ensure optimal water quality and fish health. Our system incorporates aeration, filtration, and sustainable feeding to maximize fish growth and productivity. This approach supports eco-friendly and integrated aquaculture, promoting sustainability and high yield.

Cage System
Cage System
Recirculating Aquaculture (RAS)

The Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) is an advanced fish farming method that filters and reuses water, reducing waste and environmental impact. This system maintains optimal water quality by continuously removing impurities and replenishing oxygen levels. It allows for high-density fish farming with controlled temperature and nutrient levels for better growth. Kenz employs state-of-the-art RAS technology to enhance fish health, productivity, and sustainability. Our system integrates biological and mechanical filtration to ensure a clean and stable aquatic environment. With RAS, Kenz achieves efficient, eco-friendly, and year-round fish production with minimal resource usage.

Integrated Recycling Systems

Integrated Recycling Systems combine fish farming with hydroponics, where fish waste provides essential nutrients for plant growth. This sustainable approach creates a closed-loop ecosystem, reducing waste and enhancing resource efficiency. It ensures optimal water utilization by recycling and purifying water for continuous fish and plant production. Kenz implements advanced aquaponics techniques to support eco-friendly, high-yield farming. Our system promotes organic food production by eliminating synthetic fertilizers and minimizing water pollution. With this approach, Kenz contributes to a greener future by integrating sustainable fish and crop farming practices.

Cage System
Cage System
Composite Fish Culture

Composite fish culture involves rearing multiple fish species in the same pond to optimize space and resource utilization. This method maximizes productivity by selecting species with complementary feeding habits and growth patterns. Kenz uses scientific stocking techniques to ensure balanced species growth, enhancing production efficiency and sustainability. The practice supports both high yield and resource conservation, contributing to more efficient and sustainable fish farming.

Classic Fry Farming

Classic fry farming is a method of breeding and raising fish fry in controlled environments, such as hatcheries, before they are introduced into larger ponds or water bodies for further growth. This practice ensures that the fry are healthy, well-developed, and have a higher chance of survival once released. Kenz specializes in the production of high-quality fry, using advanced breeding techniques to ensure strong survival rates, rapid growth, and high resilience to environmental changes. With proper care and nutrition, fry are raised to optimal sizes, improving the overall efficiency and sustainability of fish farming operations.

Cage System
Cage System
Biofloc Technology

Biofloc technology is an advanced and sustainable fish farming method that utilizes the recycling of organic waste, transforming it into a valuable source of feed for the fish. This technology not only improves water quality by reducing harmful waste buildup but also decreases the need for external feed, lowering operational costs. Kenz integrates biofloc systems to create an eco-friendly, high-yield fish farming environment. By promoting efficient nutrient recycling and minimizing water consumption, this approach ensures that fish farming has a minimal environmental impact while maintaining high productivity. Biofloc technology contributes to a more sustainable and cost-effective aquaculture system, supporting long-term fish farming success.

Breeds of fish

Image Name Origin Farming Type Characteristics Growth Rate Nutrient Composition (per 100g)
Tilapia Tilapia Africa Pond, Cage, RAS Fast-growing, hardy, adaptable to various environments 6โ€“8 months to harvest Energy: 129 kcal, Protein: 26g, Fat: 2.7g, Omega-3: 200mg
Catfish Catfish North America Pond, Cage, Biofloc Bottom feeder, tolerates low oxygen levels, high survival rate 5โ€“6 months to harvest Energy: 105 kcal, Protein: 18g, Fat: 3.0g, Omega-3: 300mg
Salmon Salmon North Atlantic Cage, RAS Rich in Omega-3, requires cold water, high market demand 2โ€“3 years to harvest Energy: 208 kcal, Protein: 20g, Fat: 13g, Omega-3: 2,300mg
Carp Carp Asia Pond, Composite Hardy species, efficient feed conversion, adaptable 10โ€“12 months to harvest Energy: 127 kcal, Protein: 19g, Fat: 5.6g, Omega-3: 600mg
Barramundi Barramundi Australia Cage, RAS, Pond Fast-growing, lean meat, high market value 6โ€“9 months to harvest Energy: 108 kcal, Protein: 22g, Fat: 2.3g, Omega-3: 400mg

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